Spatial planning

LOGOS Phase II supports six partner municipalities in the development of a selection of legally required spatial plans: Municipal Development Plans (MDP), Urban Development Plans (UDP) and Urban Regulatory Plans (URP). The Municipal Development Plan is the most important document in this regard as it sets the development priorities of municipalities for the coming ten years.

The activities of LOGOS focus first on providing technical support and expertise to partner municipalities. LOGOS helps municipalities to develop strategies for municipal development, to budget and plan the implementation of these strategies and to set-up a system that will monitor the implementation of the adopted plans. In parallel, LOGOS supports its partners in organizing public consultations on the options selected for the development plans. LOGOS also works in coordination with the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP), which is responsible for reviewing and approving the final plans.

Drafting municipal development and spatial plans Public consultations
Relevant press articles Related Pictures
Drafting municipal development and spatial plans

LOGOS supports the municipalities of Kamenicë/Kamenica, Novo Brdo/Novobërdë, Štrpce/Shtërpcë, Kaçanik/Kačanik, Ranilug/Ranillug and Klokot – Vrbovac/Kllokot – Vërbovc in the development of their Municipal Development Plan (MDP), Urban Development Plan (UDP) and/or Urban Regulatory Plans (URP), since these municipalities are still lacking these legally required plans. Other partner municipalities either already have a development plan available, or are supported by other donors in the drafting process. The objective of LOGOS’ support is that spatial development plans are under implementation by the end of 2012. All selected partner municipalities apply a systematic, participative and inclusive approach to development planning. In this respect, the priorities of the village level are to be taken into account as well.  A system for monitoring the implementation of the plans should also be developed and function in the coming year.

The process of drafting the MDPs, UDPs and URPs consists of 5 distinct phases, which reflect the different chapters that must be included in each spatial plan:

  1. Situation analysis and spatial development profile
  2. Definition of the vision, principles and goals
  3. Development of the Municipal Spatial Development Framework
  4. Development of implementation strategies and actions
  5. Design of implementation provisions

The responsibility for drafting these successive chapters is given to municipal planning working groups, which work according to specific themes (economic development, environment, land use, demographic issues etc.). These workings groups include both municipal public servants and the civil society. To make sure that the sub-municipal level is included in the municipal development planning, villages are given special representation in these municipal working groups. LOGOS accompanies the work of these working groups. It provides technical expertise, financially supports the preparation of the necessary maps and advises on the whole drafting process. It is furthermore of specific importance that these plans be in line with the legal requirements set by the Law on Spatial Planning and the guidelines on implementation of spatial planning as presented by the Ministry of Environment and Spatial planning.

In addition to the technical support provided to the work of the working groups, LOGOS supports its partner municipalities through gathering, translating and making available relevant information about spatial planning. Different practical workshops were organized in order to train municipal officials and support them in their work (for instance on how to develop a municipal profile, on visioning, etc.). In addition, a study tour was organized in Croatia to give municipal officials the opportunity to learn from the experience and knowledge of Croatian municipalities in developing municipal spatial and urban development plans.
Urban Regulatory Plan “Urban Zone I” Kaçanik/Kačanik
Urban Development Plan of Kamenicë/Kamenica
Urban Development Plan Klokot Vrbovac/Kllokot Vërbovc
Municipal Development Plan Novo Brdo/Novobërdë
Urban Development plan of bostan
Municipal Development Plan of Ranilug/Ranillug
Urban Development plan of Ranilug/Ranillug
Urban Development plan Štrpce/Shtërpcë

Public consultations

An important aspect of the drafting of municipal development plans relies on the inclusion of citizens in the drafting process. This is realised through the organisation of public consultations after the completion of key ‘’chapters’’ of the municipal development plan. The “forum approach” supports municipalities in the mobilisation of citizens and in the preparation and moderation of these meetings. Again particular attention is also given to the participation of village representatives. The first forums on spatial planning took place in November 2011. The application of this methodology has already shown visible results. All meetings involved on average 150 participants and allowed for lively discussions and exchange between citizens and their municipality. As a result of this success, four additional forums on spatial planning were held in 2012.

As described above, LOGOS emphasizes the importance of the inclusion of the sub-municipal level in municipal decision-making. LOGOS is currently supporting its partner municipalities in the adoption of a sub-municipal regulation which, amongst other things, will allow for the systematic participation of villages in relevant municipal policy-making processes, including both spatial planning and budgeting.

Relevant press articles

Kllokoti me plan për donatore e investitorë – Koha Ditore – 13.12.2012
Plani Zhvillimor Urban, Vlerësimi Strategjik Mjedisor për zonën kadastrale të fshatit Bostan – Novo Brdo/Novobërdë – 22.11.2012
LOGOS­i i bën Kaçanikun dhe Hanin e Elezit me rregullore për lokalitetet – Koha Ditore – 01.11.2012
Pijls: Ju vendosni si të jetë Ranillugu pas dhjetë vitesh – 2LONLINE – 01.11.2012
Zvicra e bën Kaçanikun me Plan rregullues urban – Koha Ditore – 16.10.2012
Mbahet debat me qytetarë për Planin Zhvillimor Komunal – Kamenicë/Kamenica – 10.10.2012
Hartimi i Planit Zhvillimor Komunal – Novo Brdo/Novobërdë – 10.10.2012
Kamenica miraton Planin Rregullues Urban – Koha Ditore – 09.01.2012
Kamenica me vision zhvillimor dhe urban modern, Xhevdet Kallaba,, 24.03.2011

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