News and Events
Non timber forest products broadly include all non-industrial vegetation in forests and agro forestry environments that has commercial value. A women association (multiethnic association ‘NVO ikebana’) from Sterpce recently did an investment in purchasing equipments (dryer, packaging machine and grinder), with these, ladies will start up a business, generate incomes and create job opportunity. 20 […]
Dairy Knowledge is of immense value for the professional actually working in daily dairy farm management. Dairy farming requires up-to-date knowledge of all aspects of dairy husbandry, particularly the significance of cow milk. The greatest amount of money lost with mastitis is reduction in milk yield and quality. Increased cost is also in from treatment […]
Skills for Rural Employment Project (S4RE) Kosovo, invites all interested individuals/companies, to express their interest in offering below mentioned trainings: •Electricity Installer •Central Heating Installer •Confectionery •Beekeeping •Decorative Trees •Hairdressing, manykir and pedicure •Tailor •Production of paper bags •Poultry farm •IT •Web-designer •Barmen •Flower cultivators in greenhouses and outdoors •Non Timber Forest Products (wild harvest […]
Skills for Rural Employment Project, started training  implementation with the first Learning Group in Kamenice/a. A group of 16  female will gain skills in making jewellery. Good luck to the group!
S4RE Project held an awareness meeting with the youth in  Kamenice/a. Over twenty youth responded positively to the invitation to  participate on Saturday, 23rd of March 2013. The learning facilitators in  coordination with the Department of Youth, Culture and Sport, Kamenice/a  Municipality organized the meeting in the municipal premises, where the  learning group methodology to […]