News and Events
On the first networking event, the S4RE Project brought together relevant stakeholders to present and discuss the achievements of the Program during the 2013. The event served to strengthen the bond and acknowledge both the contribution and the achievements of the involved actors. 40 event participants shared their experience and had the opportunity to listen […]
10 unemployed youth from village Hogosht-Kamenica joined the training on chicken farming and egg production, organized by S4RE Project. During this training the youth gained the necessary knowledge on poultry. Enthusiastic and thrilled to open their own farm, five youth continued training on business plan and requested support from S4RE. S4RE approved their request and […]
Skills for Rural Employment Project Implemented by Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation Request for Offer Skills for Rural Employment Project, invites all specialized and interested companies in submitting offers for the supply, based on the details listed below: Input supply for plantation of raspberries: Irrigation pipe 16mm – 8000 m (divided by 400 to 20 places) […]
On 29th October, following a successful training and a commitment to further pursue beekeeping as their future business, six youth from the village of Krileve, Kamenica municipality received a grant for beekeeping. This grant was implemented by S4RE Project after the completion of a six- session training initially provided to 11 youth. Six (6) youth […]
On 24th October, at a certificate award ceremony that took place in Dragas, 36 farmers were awarded certificates for successful completion of training on livestock and dairy. The learning group, mainly suppliers of ABI collection points from Bresane, Blaq and Zaplluzhe villages of Opoja benefited from 18 sessions of training carried out by the experts […]