Thematic fields
Crosscutting issues Relevant press articles

LOGOS contributes to strengthening local governance and decentralization reforms in municipalities in South Eastern Kosovo, thus contributing to democratization and citizen participation in a multiethnic state and society. The project outcome of LOGOS is that selected partner municipalities in South Eastern Kosovo are more accountable, transparent, equitable and effective in local governance and able to deliver key services to satisfy all citizen groups. This project outcome is pursued through concentration on the following three working areas:

  1. Planning and resources management
  2. Administration and public services
  3. Capitalization and dissemination of experiences.
Crosscutting issues

LOGOS has three crosscutting issues: gender, good governance and the sub-municipal level.

Gender is an important concern for LOGOS. Ensuring women engagement into local decision-making and budgetary process is a precondition for their meaningful empowerment. LOGOS mainstreams gender through supporting local governments in putting into practice the Law on Gender Equality, in particular by encouraging women participation in municipal and sub-municipal structures, including women into trainings, introducing elements of gender analysis into planning and budgeting and sensitizing local government officials to gender issues.

Good governance is another important crosscutting issue. It has five important dimensions: accountability, transparency, participation, non-discrimination and efficiency. These key principles are integrated in LOGOS, which directly reinforces them through its three main working areas.

The sub-municipal level is a third cross cutting issue for LOGOS. The project ensures that the priorities of the sub-municipal level are taken into account by the municipalities, being in their strategic planning or budgeting processes.

Relevant press articles

Helvetas: 17 Millionen Euro Hilfsgelder für die Kosovaren,, 30.01.2012
Ndihma zviceraneTribuna, 27.01.2012
“Helvetas”: 17 milionë euro ndihma për kosovarët, Koha Ditore, 26.01.2012