News and Events
“After receiving the donation of bees from HELVETAS organization, now we have the final product, honey, with a very good quality, 100% organic. We expect that HELVETAS will support us also in the future for further capacity expansion. Thank you HELVETAS”. Fisnik Demolli  
On 30th of July 2014, Mayor of Dragash, Mr. Salim Jenuzi, met with the representatives of Skills for Rural Employment Project (S4RE). S4RE Project Manager, Mr. Luan Hoti informed the Mayor regarding the project achievements since January 2013 and challenges for the future. Mr. Hoti stated that this project aims to reduce poverty in rural […]
Skills for Rural Employment (S4RE) and N.T.H “Hit Flores” supports new employees to increase their skills in identification, classification, hygiene and packaging of mushrooms. 45 new employees (34 male and 11 female) have been trained for four 4 days from an experience local expert in this field. Due to increase of the skills, employees will […]
The S4RE Project have organized ToT Training for project resource persons and service providers. Training took place in Pristina, from 14th until 16th of July 2014.
Two staff members of the Skills for Rural Employment Project (S4RE) visited Tanzania – Mwanza Region from 12 – 19 April 2014. The visit was organized by U – Learn Program team implemented by Swisscontact, Tanzania. The purpose of the visit was to share experiences and knowledge on Learning Group Cycle, Mavuno-Saving, Support Internship and […]