For EYE, gender and social inclusion is not simply aiming for equal numbers of men and women and social groups in all interventions of projects or treating them in the same way. Rather, the project seeks to understand better what the key institutional barriers to inclusion are and design solutions to facilitate transformative changes – in the behavior, relationships, actions, activities, policies, or practices of an individual, group, community, organization, or institution.
To sharpen the inclusiveness of EYE interventions, the project considers the following sub-groups and develop appropriate measures:
• Gender: more young women tend to be unemployed than young men; access to the labor market is often restricted by stereotypes as well as the lack of support services that allow women to take equal advantage of job opportunities. At least 40% of the targeted are women.
• Lesser skilled youth (NEET – Not in Employment, Education or Training): Our aim is also to target NEET youth, by first providing them access to information related to employment opportunities, skills required, and institutions that provide those skills.
• Non-majority communities: Specific measures are also applied to increase the outreach to Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities as well as the Serb and other non-majority communities in Kosovo
Knowledge management and learning is the key driver and determinant of its success. This is an integral part of the project closely aligned with the MRM and it utilizes a mix of digital communication tools, channels, and approaches to facilitate dialogue, raise awareness, and enhance participation and engagement with a range of stakeholders/partners.
Enhancing Youth Employment (EYE) project has a robust Monitoring and Results Measurement (MRM) system in place, which is used in planning, designing, managing, revising, and evaluating interventions in line with Market Systems Development (MSD) approach and using Donor Committee for Enterprise Development (DCED) Standard for results measurement as a guideline.
As such, consistent monitoring of project activities will mitigate risk, keep the team in focus and manage stakeholder expectations. The MRM system enables staff to capture and report results in line with the best practices in the results measurement.